


Organize plots, characters and scenarios for your next book

They say everybody should write a book, plant a tree and have a kid. I've decided to follow this wise rule of three, but as I'm not sure about the order of elements, I'm going to start by the book. And no other tool could be more helpful in this personal project than Storybook.

Storybook enables you to organize all the elements regarding your book, namely characters, locations and different plots, including main story and secondary threads. Storybook defines and configures each element on their own, which makes the whole job much easier because it enables you to have a clearer view of your book's structure. Plus, Storybook lets you have multiple active projects (books) as you want, and also organize elements on its interface by following color codes.

Bear in mind that this is no word processor. It's more of an organized database where you keep small bits of information which, once properly developed and linked together, will produce a book.

Whenever you plan to write a book, Storybook is a really helpful tool that will assist you in the creation, management and organization of ideas, characters and locations.

translated to Greek, Swedish, French, Finnishimproved object treefixed bug: Export of Character List failsFrench translation completedimplemented feature column order of strandsexported files can be opened directly nowNew feature: Task Listthe manage lists for characters, locations etc. has been improvedimproved layoutNew feature: scale for book and manage viewtranslated to FinnishNew feature: navigation: go to a dateimproved date localizationNew feature: navigation: go to a chapter numberNew feature: Scene text import / exportupdated H2 Database Engine to version 1.0.79 (2008-09-26)


  • translated to Greek, Swedish, French, Finnishimproved object treefixed bug: Export of Character List failsFrench translation completedimplemented feature column order of strandsexported files can be opened directly nowNew feature: Task Listthe manage lists for characters, locations etc. has been improvedimproved layoutNew feature: scale for book and manage viewtranslated to FinnishNew feature: navigation: go to a dateimproved date localizationNew feature: navigation: go to a chapter numberNew feature: Scene text import / exportupdated H2 Database Engine to version 1.0.79 (2008-09-26)

  • Version


  • License


  • Platform


  • OS

    Windows 8

  • Language


  • Downloads


  • Developer

    Martin Mustun


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