At first glance, Poisoned may look like your average file sharing application. However, unlike more well known ones such as Limewire, which only allow you to connect to one file sharing network, Poisoned allows you to connect to several seamlessly.
Poisoned is very much a community-driven project and developers are welcome to improve and adapt it as they see fit. Poisoned connects to several networks, including FastTrack (Kazaa, Grokster, iMesh), Gnutella (Limewire, Acquisition), and OpenFT. This is all made possible by what's known as the giFT daemon who are the same people behind the OpenFT network. OpenNapster and eDonkey are other networks which have been recently added.
Poisoned supports multiple source downloads, so your files will download quickly and painlessly. I also like the way that Poisoned offers integration with iTunes by automatically importing music as it downloads. That is, however, if you can get it to download anything of course. Unfortunately, the death of many major file sharing networks means that Poisoned has died with it.
As the developer points out, "Kazaa and Fasttrack are gone. Ares is dying and almost dead now. Gnutella is the only network that seems to work. There is a program called Sandvine right now used by ISPs to terminate unencrypted network traffic from Peer-to-peer applications. Any network not encrypted will basically be rendered useless with most of the network filled with half transfered files." Because Poisoned relies on giFT, it is not encrypted and therefore affected by these problems. The good news is though, that the developer has promised to dump giFT and find another network instead.
When it works, Poisoned is widely praised by users for its ability to connect to several networks. However, the death of many of these networks has effectively sealed the death of Poisoned too, until the developer finds a way around this problem.
All updates to the source on cvs have been made so you can all start committing changes to the code. Now ares support is fixed. Gnutella support fixed. Nodelist updating is fixed. A few minor changes to correct glaring problems and concerns. A basic update to keep people functional. The developer will be looking into universal binaries and so forth for an upcoming 0.530 release. AHDuke is now also on the project that should help out a lot.
All updates to the source on cvs have been made so you can all start committing changes to the code. Now ares support is fixed. Gnutella support fixed. Nodelist updating is fixed. A few minor changes to correct glaring problems and concerns. A basic update to keep people functional. The developer will be looking into universal binaries and so forth for an upcoming 0.530 release. AHDuke is now also on the project that should help out a lot.
Mac OS X