Panoply for Mac

Panoply for Mac


A netCDF Viewer for Mac

Panoply is a powerful, free program only available for Mac, that belongs to the category Science & Education with subcategory Geography.

More about Panoply

Since we added this program to our catalog in 2007, it has managed to achieve 876 downloads, and last week it gained 1 download.

Its current version is 2.9.3 and it has been updated on 5/27/2010. It's available for users with the operating system Mac OS X and previous versions, and you can download it in English.

Panoply is a slick program that requires less free space than many software in the category Science & Education. It's very heavily used in United States.

Also provide Windows version which uses 64-bit launcher.Added "Combine" method for working with two arrays in one plot. Acts similar to "Average" option, but if one array's data point value is NaN, other array's value is used rather than assign NaN to data point.Re-factored lon-lat map grid spacing to allow non-integral values.Bugfix: Data on simple lat-vert grid recognized but plotting not enabled.Bugfix: (Windows) Cut, copy, paste and select-all in text field non-functional if invoked from menu items rather than as keystrokes.


  • Also provide Windows version which uses 64-bit launcher.Added "Combine" method for working with two arrays in one plot. Acts similar to "Average" option, but if one array's data point value is NaN, other array's value is used rather than assign NaN to data point.Re-factored lon-lat map grid spacing to allow non-integral values.Bugfix: Data on simple lat-vert grid recognized but plotting not enabled.Bugfix: (Windows) Cut, copy, paste and select-all in text field non-functional if invoked from menu items rather than as keystrokes.

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  • OS

    Mac OS X

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  • Developer

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